Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Takes Time

Everything takes time. Some things take more time than planned. Others, less. Pictured here is what I like to call the "Pineapple" Flower. We bought these flowers back in October, specifically because I was told they would bloom for January and we would have pineapple flowers everywhere for our wedding ceremony. They finally bloomed in May, when I returned home from a week long Lima trip. 5 months off.

As some of you know, I went to Lima at the end of April to receive my International Residency Card. Yes, I am a legal Peruvian resident now. That meant I could officially petition for Hugo's visa at the embassy, which I did only 2 days after receiving my residency. Yesterday we received two big manila envelopes. The embassy accepted my petition and already set a date to interview Hugo. Next month. This part of the process is indeedmoving much faster than anticipated. This process is a long time coming, ever since the marriage paperwork back in May. It is taking time, but it is moving. And really, at this point, the amount of time left (considering what we have already put in) may not be all that much time, before Hugo and I are in Minnesota together for the first time.

1 comment:

poalily said...

i love this post :)