Monday, November 29, 2010

Start of Goodbyes

With only 1 month left in Cajamarca, we decided to have our first Despidia (good bye party). We had a BBQ potluck and it was delicious. Dear friends and family came and we squeezed into our apartment for an afternoon of eating, drinking, conversation and music. However, I am sure this was only the beginning of the Goodbyes.

1 comment:

AlaskanKayaker said...

Hi Nora! I just accepted a position teaching English in Cajamarca, but my dream job is working with organizations like the microcredit and village banking you're involved with! I'd love to meet you, even if you're leaving soon. I should be up there the end of the second or beginning of the third week of December. I know it will be rough for you with packing, but maybe I can come by and be of assistance!