Friday, February 29, 2008


Sometimes things just work out. This week I -randomly- met all my literacy teachers in the park, treated them to a sweet potato fried treat while we had a meeting on the bus stop about how literacy classes will be working in the next couple of weeks. Just when I thought things were moving slowly I meet 4 teachers that are ready to get started asap. I felt awful offering them a mere 70 soles, or $23 a month, for their once a week services, but that is the going rate - and I don't want to seem too gringa by offering them an outrageously high rate. With time and good work hopefully I can reward them for all their efforts appropriately. This means things are moving in a direction to actually starting something long-term. I need to celebrate, oh wait - I'm going to the beach today. So, I will. Actually, I am going to get my passport stamped in Trujillo, but also taking advantage of being able to finally explore a new part of Peru. I just hope the mountain doesn't fall down again and block the road. Let's plan for the best.

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