Monday, June 8, 2009

House Health Tour

So I am in my almost full swing of work here in Cajamarca. It feels good to return and jump into a moving schedule instead of a empty week. It was a lot of work to set up classes for this month before I left in May, but I organized the schedule to continue as if I wasn't even gone, which makes things easier on this end.

On Saturday I went with our health partners GyC to take 20 of our families on a House Health tour. The families that are participating in our health project were invited to visit families that participated in a similar project that recently ended in March. You could call it an interchange of ideas (which sounds better when you say it in Spanish). We had families of the previous project share with families in the current project their experiences with the changes/improvements that were made in their houses including; the new mud and brick stove, organizing their kitchen items, seperating parent and children's bedrooms and creating animal cages. Good stuff that makes for a healthier household.

We visited 7 families homes. Inbetween the visits we ate bananas, drank IncaKola (the bubble gum soda drink of choice here in Peru) and talked about how beautiful, clean and organized the houses were that we visited.

Just as we wove our way up the mountain, we wove our way back down. The roads we took were made for smaller vehicles, but our driver managed to transport us through the endless curves and bumps just fine. It definitely made my heart skip a beat as we curved around the mountain and on each turn the mountain seem to drop off just a little more.

Safely we arrived back to Cajamarca for lunch time. The women enjoyed their 3 course meal that was prepared for us at a little restaurant. Hungry and Happy. I could tell the women were motivated to take the new ideas, exchanges, and motivation back to their houses. I hope to visit some of their houses this month to see what kind of motivation turns into action.

The Home tour left me exhausted. But not so exhausted that Hugo and I couldn't work on our apartment or that I couldn't go to visit some hot springs on Sunday. Little time for rest this weekend, but that is fine, I need to get back into the groove somehow.

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