Friday, November 6, 2009


This week there have been a couple of bumps in the road. There usually are bumps, but this week they were big. The bumps have made life more difficult.

Hugo and I finally got all our paperwork together to apply for a marriage license at the municipality. Turns out all the paperwork I got done in Lima in August, well, I got it done 1 month too early, because my paperwork expires on Dec. 4. Can you believe? Only in Peru can you get something done too early. So now we are faced with the decision: Do we get married this month? Or do we find another town close by that will accept our paperwork? We have no answer yet, but it has made life a little bit more difficult.

Hugo has been busy preparing for his first solo art exposition. It turns out he has been working with a jerk to coordinate everything. He prepared 35 paintings, but the Director of the art space selected 10. 25 paintings can't enter into the expo. Why? Because the Director doesn't like them. So, this expo is next Saturday and Hugo is scrabbling to find another solution. Another space? Fight with the Director? No answer yet, but it has made life more difficult.

Life is full of bumps. Little ones. Big ones. Gotta get over it. Find a solution. I'll post again when the bumps have passed.

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