Sunday, January 20, 2008

Carnival Start

Now that I am 100 % again I am able to participate in the carnival activites - which are dancing in the street and water balloon fights. On friday night Paola and I decided to walk to central plaza to check out what was going on. As we turned on the street that leads to the plaza I was in complete awe. Down the street there were banners and flags waving above the jumping group of people below. I guess each neighborhood picks a night and parades through the street with their "queen" and like 6 or 7 carnival bands. They took up the whole width of the street and almost 3 city blocks. Paola knew the drummer, so we jumped in the parade and ended up dancing in front of one of the bands as we circled the central plaza and then went up to another park. I felt like I was in Brasil, except for that we all had on sweaters and scarfs, because the energy and music was so contagious and happy. When we were done parading, we went back to the central plaza to bounce between one band and another. There must have been at least 15 bands scattered throughout the plaza, all playing the same tune, different song. We only stayed until 1am, when our legs and lungs were tired, we went home. But I am sure many were out until sunrise.

I have also gotten wet - a water balloon right in the butt. Here you can see pictures of the culprits. They travel in mass in truck, and they hide out on the second floor of buildings.

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